April 14, 2012

How to Get Six Pack Abs Easy in Just 4 Weeks - The Super Abs method

Why do you want to get six pack abs? Let me guess, every man wants to get six pack and so do you, right? I sure did and now I got it by following this Super Abs Formula.

If your goal is to show off at the pool or on the beach you should in effect think about this one. What are women seeing for in a man? Do they want to see a big muscular beast or a man with a sexy flat stomach? Just think about it. All of the male sex symbols have nice abs, don't they? Taylor Lautner, Brad Pitt, Chris Brown, David Beckham, Cristiano Ronaldo, Robert Pattinson, Matthew McConaughey, Daniel Craig and the list goes on. All of them have it. Many women studies show that this is in effect true, women in effect prefer a man who has a sexy flat stomach.

There are a lot of six pack abs programs out there trying to convince you how to get six pack fast. Some of them are good and some are just Bs. But I'll tell you the truth right now. There are only 3 easy things to do if you want to get six pack abs. The thing is, you already have a six pack. Yes you do, but you may not see them because you have too much fat in your abdominal area.

So the main key to getting six pack fast and developing a sexy flat stomach is to get your body fat level low sufficient for the abs to be seen clearly, and also construction up those abdominal muscles. That's about it. It's very easy but that's what you have to do if you want to get six pack abs.

So how do you do to get nice abs in just 4 weeks?

First, you have to convert your diet to a "Six Pack Diet":

  • Eat more often. Aim for 6-8 meals per day. Split the meals, not just eat more. This will speed up your metabolism.
  • Eat food with high potential protein like fish, chicken, turkey and nuts which will provide your body with the amino acids needed for the metabolic process to take place and increase the fat loss.
  • Eat involved carbohydrates like cereals, vegetables, potatoes, pasta and grain breads. This will provide the long-term energy which will verbalize a garage blood sugar level throughout the day.
  • Eat salutary fats from nuts and seeds, fish and olive oil. Eating the right number of salutary fats will have a distinct effect on your fat loss.
  • Don't drinking beer or sugar-sweetened beverages. It contains a lot of sugar that will turn to fat that stores on your stomach.
  • Avoid white bread and other stuff containing processed carbs. It will raise your blood sugar level and you will gain fat.

You have to start doing "Six Pack Workouts":

But remember, you don't need to kill yourself in the gym. One of the biggest misconceptions about getting a six pack is that you must spend hours and hours doing ab work alone. That's in effect not true at all! You are using your abdominal muscles with every weight lifting exercise you do, Just think about if they were not working, then you would find yourself feeling very unstable, and chances are, you would wind up injured.

But if you want quick results you need to do some abdominal weightlifting. One way of targeting your abdominal muscles is to do 50 - 100 crunches a day which will do the trick in tightening up your stomach muscles.

Get your "Six Pack Cardio" in line

You have to performing cardio properly to get six pack abs. Because if you can't get rid of the fat you'll never be able to see your abs no matter how big they are.

But you don't need to do hours and hours on the treadmill. You just need to do a few potential sessions of cardio work a week. Example of high potential sessions is hill running, skipping or something else that your body is not productive at.

So to get those six pack abs start by getting low sufficient body fat level. There are many distinct ways to get low body fat level. But if you keep a clean diet, do abdominal workout and a cardio training you'll be on your way to getting six pack abs.

How to Get Six Pack Abs Easy in Just 4 Weeks - The Super Abs method

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